Non-top accessible gully trap reduces the functionality of the floor below, reducing the precious volume that is already in scarcity

Property has been reducing its size to suit to the market demand, making vertical spaces more valuable than before. Top access floor trap will free up the ceiling volume of the lower floor space, opening more possibilities for the lower floor.

Open up more possibilities for other functions at the space below

Traditionally, exposed discharge pipe reduces the ambience and visual attraction to the diner below. Paztee floor trap hide the ugly pipes from basin within the floor slab, Main discharge is still exposed to at a minimal distance from the slab at just 270mm. Having the joint exposed is to minimize the need to hack the floor just to fix the leakage in long term .

Maintenance is often this issue in a stratified development, your client will thank you for choosing a gully trap that eases their maintenance effort

In a stratified development, maintenance should be kept personal and private to the said property. Paztee top access gully trap reduces the ‘mafan’ness in servicing. At least when the property below is not occupied, the floor trap remain servicable.

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