Category Archives: inovarfloor


Inovar floor – Bamboo flooring

Eco-friendly strand woven bamboo is a preferred option for solid hardwood flooring. High in density, these bamboo flooring offers both beauty and functionality. INOVAR

Inovar floor laminate flooring

Laminate flooring consist of components of wood based and anti-abrasive materials bonded together forming a laminated plank with unlimited designs. INOVAR is a known

Inovar floor – Carpet tiles

Also known as modular carpets, carpet tiles are available in various shapes and sizes and is an alternative to wall to wall carpets. Carpet

Inovar floor – Outdoor Decking

Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, INOVAR DeckShield decking is a wood-polymer composite decking system developed as an alternative to the depleting and

Inovar floor vinyl flooring

Laminate flooring consist of components of wood based and anti-abrasive materials bonded together forming a laminated plank with unlimited designs. INOVAR is a known

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