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Equitone [natura]

EQUITONE [natura] is a through-coloured facade material. Every EQUITONE [natura] panel is unique, subtly displaying the raw texture of the core eternit fibre cement

PRIMAflex Internal & External Clad

PRIMA Flex is an eco-friendly multipurpose fibre cement board that can be used for both internal & external applications. It is the first choice

Equitone [tectiva]

EQUITONE [tectiva] is a through-coloured facade material, characterised by a sanded surface and naturally occurring hues within the material. Every tectiva panel is unique,

PRIMAplank External Cladding

Prima Plank has superior dimensional tolerance and durability, it will neither warp nor become twisted when exposed to weather. In addition, Prima Plank is

Forescolor | Colored MDF Board

ForesCOLOR is a color throughout engineered fiber wood board. Individual fibers are impregnated with organic dye and chemically bonded by resin specially developed to

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