Chin from OSL Metal Work Services is a metalworks fabricator based in Puchong. Growing up in the construction field, Chin picked up metal fabrication along the way and currently runs a metal fabrication factory with one of the five Titanium coating furnaces in Malaysia.

Working with architects, designers, playground manufacturers, engineers, and fabricators, his manufactured products can be found in various parts of Malaysia. Some of his products that can be found in our projects include:

  • Playground
  • Landscape Furniture
  • Metal Staircase
  • Sales gallery
  • Display cabinet

Above are metal bending works done fabricated by Chin in the past

Steel fabrication is the process of creating steel products through secondary metal manufacturing processes. Examples of these processes are cutting, bending, and joining. Additional processes such as finishing and heat treatment are made to impart additional characteristics to the metal product.

All those “shiny-shiny” Stainless Steel finishes that you like, it is called titanium coating

Titanium coating gold, often referred to as “gold titanium coating” or “titanium nitride gold coating,” is a surface treatment where a thin layer of titanium nitride (TiN) with a gold color is applied to a substrate material. This process creates a surface finish that resembles the appearance of gold, providing both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

Titanium coating & stainless streel reflective pond structure.
Titanium coating spotted at lift lobby and also lift structure.

“Titanium coating is one way to achieve a shiny and chrome-like texture. This texture offers more than just aesthetic appeal; it also provides extended protection against rust, corrosion, and damage that can occur due to constant exposure to air and contact. The metal fabrication will be placed into the furnace, one of the few available in Malaysia, for a minimum of 2 hours to ensure that the coating firmly adheres to the metal surface.”

Chin, Bigman Metalworks
Furnace used to β€˜bake’ titanium powder onto the metal surface.

Chin, OSL Metalworks currently operates from Puchong

Architects and designers are welcome to engage in a session with them to understand the extent of metalworks during the design stage. Site visitations to their factory are also welcomed to gain a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of metal fabrication.

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