Estoflex PU850 is a single component which is newly developed polymer of MMA, natural rubber, and polyurethane form elastic waterproof membrane. High Performance Moisture Cured Polyurethane Elastomeric Liquid Applied Seamless Waterproofing Membrane. This product requires the screeding.

Denka Chemicals Holdings Asia Pacific Pte Ltd (“DCHA”) with its regional headquarter in Singapore, acquired a majority stake in the holding company of ESTOP and renamed the holding company as Denka Infrastructure Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“DISB”). Subsequently on 1st April 2018, DCHA acquired 100% of DISB, and ESTOP was renamed as Denka Construction Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“DCSM”).

  • Denka Construction Solutions Malaysia
  • 0591858U
  • Wilayah Persekutuan

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