Warong Eropa is a 4.6 ⭐ on Google, they serve the best crispy duck in Bali . Now available in TRX !

Established in 2004 in Bali, Warung Eropa presents a delightful blend of Indonesian cuisine with a Western twist, ideal for family gatherings, special events, or satisfying those occasional spice cravings. Now serving at The Exchange TRX, savor the exquisite Balinese crispy duck, delivering an explosion of Indonesian flavors right in KL !

The TRX version of Warong Eropa carries forward elements of ‘Balinese’ to its current outlet

Elements like the colour scheme, usage of timber elements to highlight the space and subtle touch of crafting are well carried forward to the outlet in TRX. Noticed the textured wall ? It is an amazing touch given by Endo to elevate the ambience yet diffused the cove lighting shines on it.

Endo pays attention to lighting detail, especially the elements that welcome the visitors and highlight the space

Suspended repurposed timber beam sourced all the way from Nibong Tebal

Lembaga Letrik Negara, LLN is the old name of TNB. Back in the past, Cengal wood is used to made this ‘tiang lampu’. It is valued for its durability, strength, and resistance to decay. Cengal timber is often used in construction, outdoor decking, and boat building due to its excellent properties. It is known for its natural resistance to termites and decay, making it a popular choice for various applications where durability is essential.

Both entrance door is specially sourced from Jawa, Indonesia

Java, Indonesia’s most populous island, is culturally rich and diverse. Home to Jakarta, the capital, it features ancient temples, vibrant traditions, and breathtaking landscapes, including volcanic peaks and fertile plains.

Other projects by Endo KL

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