create project
1 Duplicate Sample Project
Duplicate this sample project as the template for the new project to be implemented. Alot of details are preset and we shall use it to standardize it within the profile.
2 Create Title
The tile shall be catchy and simple enough for general user to get what the project is about, usually we just get the name of the project as the title.
2 Gutenberg Image slider
Use gutenberg image slider as the image slider for the post. All the images shall be in the same ratio, please follow the powerpoint template we have created to create the following ratios .
- 4:3
- 16:9
- 1:1
- Do not use landscape
Settings of the slider as per following
- Slide animation
- Changing Content
- Adaptive Height
Secondary Settings, please toggle the following buttons
- Autoplay
- Show arrows
- DISABLE Show dots
- Loop
- DISABLE Full Background slider
3 Create write up of the project
Create write up of the project, and copy directly from the submitted items given by the Architect.
Details of the project, which become an identifier for the project.
Company hiring status via post, and the tag category shall be as <companyname><jobs>, eg duodesignjobs
4 About the company
Map of the project, we want people to know where exactly is the project to give a clearer picture
[copy content=”AIzaSyAtTRJRSXSp8STXruq3g0ziD8MBciMr1vY”]
5 Product used
Change the setting of the block, change the following settings .
- Taxonomy : TAGS
- Tags: <Projectname><Material> eg. buildexmaterial
6 Contractor
If there is contractor involved, or the contractor is within our Buildex,my database, usually interior design contractor. Please update the column otherwise just delete this segment.
Create simple Slug to create easy link such as
- parque
- theparque
- parqueecoworld
Set the main category as Publication & Architecture/Interior
- Architecture
- Interior
Tag of this project, which project shall relate to this
- projectmaterial
- projectname
- project company
Feature Image at front page
- Portrait / Square
- Avoid landscape
- Use our template
Note: If you have any queries or any new discovery on how to make this thing faster, do not hesitate to notify the management.